Melania Trump vows to “continue” fighting for children everywhere, and Twitter explodes.

When Melania Trump said on Twitter on Friday that she would continue to work for “children’s well-being everywhere” this year, her irate detractors brought up the Trump administration’s jailed youngsters and children who had been separated from their immigration parents.

The first lady tweeted three topics that she intends to “continue” to work on in 2019: combatting “abuse” of dangerous opioids, “online safety,” and children’s wellbeing. She noticeably omitted the “anti-bullying” part of her “Be Best” campaign from her post, maybe in response to criticism that she hasn’t been able to stop President Donald Trump from disparaging opponents and calling them names in derogatory tweets.

It took some time to figure out which piece the first lady was referring about. She may be seen roaming alone at the White House in the tweet. She has been videotaped introducing herself to school groups and holding kid-friendly activities at the White House. Last summer, she visited an immigration children’s detention center after donning a contentious jacket that said, “I really don’t care, do you?”

Thousands more immigrant children were separated from their parents than the Trump administration had previously said, according to a report released this month by the inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services. The article states that it is uncertain if they have been reunited with their parents. Experts have cautioned about the long-term damage youngsters experience.

After severe condemnation of pill producers for allegedly downplaying the hazardous addictive nature of their goods, Trump used the odd word “abuse” to allude to the nation’s epidemic of fatal opioid overdoses. The Massachusetts attorney general filed a lawsuit against Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family, the company’s owners, claiming they are “personally responsible” for selling the highly addictive drug OxyContin under pretenses.

In 2017, Trump organized a roundtable discussion on the subject at the White House and visited hospitals caring for children whose moms are addicted to opioids. However, neither the president nor the first lady has “been out there leading the charge” against the issue, according to Gary Mendell, the founder of a nonprofit group that fights addiction, who made this claim to The Washington Post late last year.

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