He is okay with states keeping an eye on expectant mothers to avoid births

As part of his shift to support leaving abortion laws up to the states, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump stated that states that forbid abortions should be allowed to keep an eye on expectant mothers to make sure they don’t end their lives.

In a Tuesday interview with Time magazine, Trump responded, “I think they might do that,” when asked if he believed that states that forbade abortion should keep track of pregnant women.

Once more, he added, “you’ll have to speak to the individual states.” “You know, the whole point of Roe v. Wade was to give it back to the states.”

Following months of ambiguous statements about abortion rights, Trump announced a few weeks ago that he believes each state should make its own decisions.

In 2016, he ran on a platform of appointing conservative justices to the Supreme Court who would reverse Roe v. Wade. That is precisely what transpired, and the three judges he appointed to the court were instrumental in the decision to strike down the nation’s fifty-year-old constitutional right to an abortion.

By shifting the blame to state governments, Trump is attempting to disassociate himself from any limits on abortion that GOP-led states are now enforcing. In the upcoming elections in November, reproductive rights will undoubtedly be a major topic, and Trump is attempting to project objectivity where he has never been.

The issue he has brought up for himself and Republicans who follow his example, though, is that by claiming he is in favor of states having the freedom to do as they like,

During his Time interview, Trump—who is now in four criminal cases facing 88 felony charges—repeatedly refused to respond when asked if he was okay with states penalizing women who have illegal abortions in areas where the operation is outlawed or highly limited. Currently, nearly all states outlaw abortion.

He declared, “I don’t have to be comfortable or uncomfortable.” “That choice will be made by the states. It won’t be up to me to decide whether the states are comfortable or uncomfortable.

When asked if he was concerned about women facing criminal charges for getting abortions in places where they are prohibited, the twice-impeached former president replied his opinion was irrelevant.

Whether or whether I’m comfortable doesn’t matter,” Trump declared. “The states will make those decisions, so it’s completely irrelevant.”

In another part of the conversation, Trump said that if Congress passed a national abortion ban, he wouldn’t “have to do anything about vetoes.” In addition, he declared, “I’m not going to explain” his thoughts on Republican attempts to outlaw abortion-related medications. In the next two weeks, he could have an opinion, he indicated.

Julie Chávez Rodriguez, campaign manager for President Joe Biden, stated that Trump’s most recent remarks “leave little doubt” about the implications of his administration for the people of the United States.

In a statement, Rodriguez said that if elected, he would implement a statewide prohibition on abortion, permit prosecution and punishment of women who have abortions, permit government monitoring of women’s pregnancies without their consent, and jeopardize access to IVF and contraception across the country.

“The conclusion of November’s election will dictate whether American women will have access to reproductive freedom or if the presidency of Donald Trump will persist in its efforts to restrict women’s access to healthcare choices,” the speaker stated. “President Biden and Vice President Harris will put an end to this chaos and ensure that Americans’ fundamental freedoms are protected this November with the voters on their side.”

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